NICE Guidance to Tackle Health Issues

A recent report released by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) suggests doctors should focus on tackling health inequalities as part of their everyday practice. Despite an increase in the life expectancy of the UK population over the last decade there are many inconsistencies in quality of life across the UK, resulting in lower life expectancies in some areas.
In deprived areas across the UK, life expectancies can vary dramatically. Life expectancy in males can vary from 73 years of age in poorer, deprived areas to 79 in more affluent areas of London for example. The report aims to identify how doctors can take account of these social inequalities in areas of their work and seek to address the issue through alternative means.
The report suggests some recommendations which include refocusing resources towards prevention rather than merely treating the effects of ill health due to locality. The report lays out recommendations and identifies opportunities for health management for people from disadvantaged back grounds and poorer areas. The report also addresses issues such as how to encourage patients to engage in 'healthy' activities such as cycling and asks doctors to consult with local authorities to supply resources and additional green spaces to accommodate and support an increase in healthy living.
NICE, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, has gone on to publish guidance to help GPs and doctors achieve a number of these recommendations set out in the recently published report, and are also committed to helping patients in communities across the UK.
There are a number of guidelines that promote the need for exercise and healthy living as well as additional guidelines designed to encourage doctors to offer preventative measures, prescribing statins, a class of drug used to lower cholesterol levels to patients who are at risk of developing heart disease, is one for example.
The new measures seek to address the current practice of treating the patient that sits in front of the doctor by looking beyond their symptoms and try to address the problem through other means to prevent continual recurrences.
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